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Research process and Methodologies Study Guide

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

Create a 700- to 1050-word study guide on the research process and methodologies.

Include the following in your study guide:
Explain the steps in the research process.
Summarize the difference between a hypothesis and a research question.
Explain the 3 types of research methodologies.
Explain the types of data collection tools used in health care research.
Summarize the types of sampling methodologies.
Compare the types of statistical analyses (descriptive and inferential).
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines (Title Page, References Page, Headings, In-text citations, etc.).  Use the bullets and questions/statements listed above as headings with the answer provided under the heading in paragraph format.  Also use the Grading Rubric for this assignment (provided to the right) as a guide for formatting.

Cite and Reference a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar resources to support your study guide.

150 Words  1 Pages
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