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Select one of these topics : drug discovery, preclinical testing, investigational new drug application (IND), clinical drug testing, or the new drug application (NDA)--

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Paper Instructions;

2 pages (does not include cover and references), paper covering one topic in drug development

Select one of these topics : drug discovery, preclinical testing, investigational new drug application (IND), clinical drug testing, or the new drug application (NDA)-- 

Your paper will cover the following:

Introduction of the topic (what it is and where it falls in the drug development process) 
Body (description of the process, its importance, and the type of personnel who would be involved in this process) 2-4 paragraphs 
Conclusion (summary of the topic and, in your opinion, its importance) 1-2 paragraphs
References and APA formating 

109 Words  1 Pages
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