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With aging comes physiological, functional, and sensory changes. At times, this change can manifest as a loss. Often, a loss of function may begin a so-called downward spiral in the life of an elderly person, affecting his or her independence and quality

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Paper Instructions;

With aging comes physiological, functional, and sensory changes. At times, this change can manifest as a loss. Often, a loss of function may begin a so-called downward spiral in the life of an elderly person, affecting his or her independence and quality of life.

Imagine you are working with a client who is helping her parents explore their long-term care options. She has asked you to address the significance and validity of the above statement.  

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word response to your client that addresses the above statement. Include how the specific loss of function might affect one or more activities of daily living.

Use a minimum of 3 references to support your response.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

134 Words  1 Pages
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