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How do (or will) you use your policy competence to make positive impact as a leader in health care?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

This class is about understanding how US health policies work from the government to how they will affect individuals. So if you were to work for a hospital as a Practice Manager how would health policies affect you and your workplace? Please answer the questions below. 
How has this course influenced your policy competence?
  How do (or will) you use your policy competence to make positive impact as a leader in health care? 
Give specific examples related to your field of expertise.
In what type of Health Organization do you work, or plan to work in the future? What are its interests in influencing health care policy?  
Describe some of the environmental forces at play (regulation, reimbursement, workforce issues, etc.) that shape the specific policy-related interests of the organization.

138 Words  1 Pages
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