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Principles of Epidemiology

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 
After reading Article: Introduction to Study Designs and completing the Outbreak at Watersedge Activity, answer the following questions.
I. Give a brief summary of the outbreak investigation at Watersedge.
II. Define exposure. What was the exposure at Watersedge outbreak?
III. Define outcome. What was the outcome at the Watersedge outbreak?
IV. How was the data collected? V. Is this an observational or experimental study?
VI. List one advantage and disadvantage of cohort studies.
VII. List one advantage and disadvantage of case-control studies.
VIII. List one advantage and disadvantage of cross-sectional studies.
IX. Define relative risk.
X. Define odds ratio.
Reminder: Provide citations for the information you provide. 

so please answer all of them as points from 1 to the end in essay and cite from the book " Crowley,    Leonard    V.    (2014).    Essentials    of    Human    Disease,    2nd    Edition. Burlington,    MA:    Jones    &    Bartlett    
Learning" in APA style.

155 Words  1 Pages
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