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caring is the essence of nursing

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

The Essence of Nursing
Jean Watson states that “caring is the essence of nursing.” Compassion, wisdom, loving kindness, caring, and knowledge, all concepts of Watson’s Caring Theory, are what nurses are all about. Watson’s Caring Theory incorporates arts and humanities as well as science. 
Delivering the kind of care Watson describes hinges on nurses practicing to the fullest extent of their education and training and on their taking the lead to improve health care safety and quality and patient outcomes (2010). Think about how you incorporate science into your everyday practice. Right now, for example, you may use your understanding of pharmacotherapy when safely administering medications. In the future, do you see yourself applying your research expertise by collecting or using clinical data to improve patient outcomes at your place of work or in the larger community?
To prepare
•    Review the following resources from this week’s Learning Resources: 
o    Weeks 4-6 Discussion Rubric, provided in the Course Information area.
o    This week’s Writing Resources and Program Success Tools
o    This week’s articles and media
By Day 3
Post a 3-paragraph response (of at least 350 words) to one of the following options. Be sure to use evidence from the readings and include in-text citations. Utilize essay-level writing practice and skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames. Use the writing resources and the Assignment Rubric to develop your post.
Reflect on your readings from this week, and then address one of the following options:
Option 1
According to Ma, Shang, & Bott (2015), it is critical that contemporary nurses have strong leadership and collaboration skills to improve health care. Reflect on the expertise that you expect to acquire with your education at Walden. Envision yourself taking the lead to improve patient care in your practice setting. Describe the knowledge and skills needed to achieve your professional goals.
Option 2
Use the website,, found in the Learning Resources to do the following:
•    Provide a brief definition of quality indicators.
•    Choose a particular indicator that either is being addressed or you would like to see addressed at your place of employment (or previous place of employment), and explain your reasons. Describe both the issue and your involvement in it. Alternatively, discuss your leadership’s role and your role in utilizing the indicator to improve health care.
Read two 

405 Words  1 Pages
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