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Social responsibility is a core value of professionalism as a physical therapist

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Social responsibility is a core value of professionalism as a physical therapist. Social responsibility defined: “Social responsibility is the promotion of a mutual trust between the profession and the larger public that necessitates responding to societal needs for health and wellness.” – APTA As a profession, the need to address societal health and wellness has never been greater. Please select one area of societal health and wellness where as a professional you would like to have an impact. Please outline (using 5,000 characters or less) a concise plan to effect a change in this area.

This is for admission for physical therapy graduate school. Please choose a topic that needs to be impacted as a future professional (physical therapist) entering the field. Can be any area of health and wellness that is struggling that should be impacted for a better outcome. 5000 characters including spaces is the limit word count.

161 Words  1 Pages
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