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Analyze the intersection of social, political, and economic factors affecting vulnerability (must address all three factors).

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Analyze the intersection of social, political, and economic factors affecting vulnerability (must address all three factors).
Draft the design of a new model program, not currently existent within your community. Provide a two- to- three paragraph statement that introduces your proposed community program. This section is tentative and might change as you conduct more research. At a minimum, however, items to address should include:
•    An explanation of the issues and risk factors experienced by the selected population.  
•    An evaluation of the health needs of the group and a proposed continuum of care level (preventive, treatment, or long-term care) based on the group’s issues, risk factors, and needs.  Justify the proposed level with supportive research/evidence.
A description of one to two proposed services your program will include

137 Words  1 Pages
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