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Select two psychological theories (social learning theory & nature vs nurture) and consider how they relate to the topic (PTSD

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

  • Select two psychological theories (social learning theory & nature vs nurture) and consider how they relate to the topic (PTSD) Final Project Write a 5- to 6-page paper (apart from the title page and references) that references at least four scholarly articles and includes at least two unique articles for each theory you selected. Your final project should include the following: • A desсrіption of both theories you selected and why you think they are appropriate for the topic you chose from the list or that was pre-approved by your Instructor by the end of Week 5 • A comparison of the theories related to the topic you chose • An argument as to which theory provides a better understanding of the topic • An explanation of how psychological research grounded in these two theories helped you better understand the characteristics of the topic PSYC 6200/8252: Themes and Theories of Psychology • An examination of cultural aspects that might contribute to that understanding Note: Support your statements with the scholarly sources you identified using both intext citations and references. It is strongly recommended that you include proper APA format and citations.
200 Words  1 Pages
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