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What are two problems that cause doctors to avoid talking about end of life decisions?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Atul Gawande, "Letting Go: What should medicine do when it can’t save your life?"

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Then answer the following questions:

1. How does the narrative about Sarah Napoli set the tone for the essay?

2. How does it support Gawande's argument?

3. What was Atul Gawande's preconceived notion of hospice?

4. Do you share this belief? (Explain your answer.)

5. Who says "A nurse has five seconds to make a patient like you and trust you"?

6. What type of patient is she referencing?

7. Is this applicable to other patients? Why or why not?

8. What does she say instead of "I'm sorry"?

9. What are two problems that cause doctors to avoid talking about end of life decisions?

10. What advice does Dr. Susan Block give about talking to terminally ill patients?

Answer each question with a sentence or two unless it asks you to explain your answer. Be sure to indicate the number that corresponds to each question.

Finally, upload a document (pdf) with the answers to this assignment.

187 Words  1 Pages
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