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Toxicology in the News

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

find an item in the newspapers or in literature about some drug or chemical toxicity of interest to you. You can get a lot of possibilities by googling "toxicity" for example, and clicking on "News", or searching in newspaper sites. Maybe it is about a new or old drug or an environmental accident etc.

1. In the post, identify the agent you are discussing, indicate something for which the drug or chemical can be used, and provide the link to the news or literature item,

2. Restate a major or main point made in the news or literature item.

3.  Pick a principle or concept in the notes/lectures/textbook in our module content from Week 1, 2 or 3. Describe the principle or concept and indicate how it is relevant or relates to the toxicity of the chemical, or the main point of the news/literature item.  For example you could discuss or propose how some principle from class could theoretically affect the agent’s action, impact, or investigation of it. This will likely require some creativity on your part. 

Indicate the specific pages in the notes or the section of the textbook that describes the principle or concept you are discussing.

For example, since we discussed ion trapping on p 25-26 of the notes, is there a scenario where this would impact the toxicity of the agent or the point of the news item?

Text book for the class is;Casarett & Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons, Eighth Edition (Casarett & Doull's


Be sure not to plagiarize anything, including the notes or other students.

275 Words  1 Pages
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