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Native Americans with Diabetes

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Identify and describe the Native American Culture
Identify a self-care need for a patient with the diabetes. 
Identify two measurable, patient-centered goals for a patient with this self-care need. For example, "The patient will be able to give a return demonstration for obtaining a capillary blood glucose level."
Present a culturally sensitive self-management plan for each goal. For example, Appalachians may believe that their lives are controlled by fate (fatalism). Therefore, they may feel powerless in their care. The plan of care will need interventions that help empower the patient.
Describe how you will evaluate whether the goals were met. Consider methods such as Teach Back in your evaluation of the goals.
Provide a summary of your presentation.
Provide a reference slide citing any sources used in the presentation in the format requested by your instructor.

148 Words  1 Pages
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