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Motivating Patients to Make Wise Choices

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:
Watch Video
The psychology of self motivation Scott Geller TEDxVirginiaTech

Read: Motivating Patients to Make Wise Choices (

The PURPOSE of Patient Education is to promote "self-care". The GOAL of Patient Education is prepare the patient and/or the caregiver. You cannot educate until you motivate. Consider this as you:

Submit a reflective response based on what you have learned regarding "motivation" and teaching this week. To do this attach a oneslide/ Voice Enhanced PPT slide to answer the following question:

What can be done to provide motivation for patients when teaching? 
Here are directions on how to do this: Adding A Voice Component to a Powerpoint Presentation.ppt Preview the document

Label the Powerpoint slide with your last name, first Initial and date.

** Please listen to all submissions.

142 Words  1 Pages
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