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A defined process for how Quality Improvement (QI) plan will be conducted. A list of improvement goals or priorities that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound.

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Paper Instructions:

Create a Quality Improvement Plan for your hypothetical organization to include the following;

A defined process for how Quality Improvement (QI) plan will be conducted. 
A list of improvement goals or priorities that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound. 

Please utilize the following resources;

Public health and health care delivery systems have adapted the concept of continuous or total quality improvement from the engineering, manufacturing, and business sectors.  The ultimate purpose of quality improvement in organizations is to improve health outcomes.  Quality improvement involves a deliberate and defined improvement process used by individual professionals, teams, and organizations to improve their performance, efficiency and effectiveness.  Improving efficiency includes reducing costs.  This systematic approach requires the manager to have a good understanding of how systems work and expertise in applying tools such as root cause analysis, benchmarking, and dashboard reporting.

The readings in this module explore the history of quality improvement, tools and techniques for improving quality and performance, and examples of successful initiatives in public health and health care delivery organizations.

“The Triple Aim” framework developed by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement broadens the scope of quality improvement to include the health system as a whole and combines elements of both public health and health care delivery to address three overarching goals:

Improving the patient experience of care (including quality and satisfaction);
Improving the health of populations; and
Reducing the per capita cost of health care.

264 Words  1 Pages
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