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Medical Marijuana Current Event/News Article Paper

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The purpose of the Current Event/News Article Paper is for students to identify current news articles and/or events that relate to the current topic and its impact on local, state, or national policy.  This paper is also an activity to help students assess and identify media bias, which can impact public opinion and policy-making.  This paper is a brief synopsis of the current event/news article, it’s relation to the topic and policy, and the student’s assessment of the viewpoint of the event/article.  In paragraphs 2 and 3, you are to answer the questions listed below in the rubric in their corresponding paragraphs with the outlined requirements.


Must be a current event/news article from a media source (ie. Newspaper, News Channel, Government Agency report, Legal brief, etc.) at the local, state or national level
300 words, 3 paragraph format
Submit to the correct link in Assignments. This uploads your paper to TurnItIn, a plagiarism detection device.  See plagiarism information under Institutional Policies.
Use correct grammar, spelling, etc.
Questions to Answer:

How is the event/news article related to the topic and policy? (paragraph 2)
What side of the argument is the author of the article writing from? Is it pro, con, or neutral? How could this viewpoint affect public opinion and policy-making? (paragraph 3)

225 Words  1 Pages
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