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Read the Datar et al. which is a case study describing the process economics of the production of tPA using both eukaryotic cells (CHO) and prokaryotic cells (E. coli). Write a concise and articulate report using prose (400-600 words; not in outline forma

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Paper Instructions:

Read the Datar et al. which is a case study describing the process economics of the production of tPA using both eukaryotic cells (CHO) and prokaryotic cells (E. coli). Write a concise and articulate report using prose (400-600 words; not in outline format) addressing the following questions:

Mammalian culture is generally believed to be more expensive to operate than prokaryotic culture. What made this case study unique was the opposite result. In your opinion, what are the main reasons why recombinant tPA cost less to manufacture from CHO cells than that from E. coli?
What are the bottlenecks in production of CHO-tPA and Bacterial tPA?
Why was the equipment cost of bacterial tPA much higher than that of CHO-tPA?
What are the lessons you have learned from this case study on tPA bioprocessing? How can they be applied to current biopharmaceuticals?

152 Words  1 Pages
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