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International Olympic Committee and Sponsors

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

A variety of decision-making factors are involved in whether a corporation chooses to partner with the IOC in a global sports sponsorship campaign. Given the growing widespread use of new media by today’s culture, for this Discussion, consider the following:

Should the IOC fully relax Rule 40 to allow athletes to freely promote nonofficial Olympic sponsors throughout the Olympic Games?
Governing bodies, such as the IOC, promise to protect corporations against ambush marketing. What role does this play in a corporation’s decision to engage in a global sport sponsorship?
Using the Learning Materials and your own research:

Post a case for whether the IOC should eradicate Rule 40, keep it intact, or develop another solution to protect sponsors’ interests and why. If you choose “develop another solution,” suggest a solution and provide a rationale for why it might work.

REFERENCES YOU MUST USE ALONG WITH OTHERS YOU MAY FIND:’s%20Rule%2040%20changes%20and%20the%20forecast%20&sc=0

Chapter 7 of Textbook must be used which I am attaching: 
name of textbook:
Globalizing Sport: How Organizations, Corporations, Media, and Politics Are Changing Sports

190 Words  1 Pages
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