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develop a strategic plan to aid your transition into the role of a professional nurse

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

In a Microsoft Word document of 5–6 pages formatted in APA style, develop a strategic plan to aid your transition into the role of a professional nurse. In your paper:

Discuss factors influencing your decision to obtain a BSN degree.
Discuss how the role of the baccalaureate differs from your current role.
Describe new opportunities that may be available after degree completion.
Examine one of the two models of socialization discussed in your readings and place yourself in one of the stages. Give your rationale for that placement. If none of the models or stages fits your experience, create your own model (or stage).

Identify two professional short-term goals.
Identify two professional long-term goals.
Expound upon the challenges and barriers you face in pursuit of your short- and long-term goals.
Identify mentors and support systems to aid you in overcoming challenges and barriers necessary to achieve goals.
On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format.

Use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources.
This handout will provide you the details of formatting your essay using APA style.
You may create your essay in this APA-formatted template.
Submission Details:

Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

220 Words  1 Pages
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