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what is optical lithography

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

1.0 Introduction (200-250)
- what is optical lithography
- steps include spin coating of photoresists, soft bake, mask alignment, UV exposure, and development
- the relationship between feature resolution and wavelength of light
-do not include history

1.1 Technique of optical lithography (include one figure)
1.1.1 Contact lithography (150)
- what is contact lithography and the principles
1.1.2 Proximity lithography (150)
- what is proximity lithography and the principles
1.1.3 Projection lithography (150)
- what is projection lithography and the principles

1.2 Applications (150-200)
- general application
- what drives miniaturizationin chip fabrication. 

113 Words  1 Pages
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