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Health and appearance of the skin

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper Instructions:

  1. The skin is our largest organ and certainly our first line of defense.  It offers many protections.  It is where the first signs of aging begin - wrinkles.  However, no one has ever died from old skin.  Nonetheless in a youth oriented society, aging skin can cause distress among many.  There are numerous products and procedures to "turn back the hands of time".  Consider this as you respond to the following question.

    You have a friend who is not an older adult, but is concerned about the health and appearance of her skin as she ages.  What information can you provide to her about skin health? What advice can you provide her about skin protection?  What would you say to address her concern about her wrinkles and her appearance? Why do you think Americans are concerned with outward signs of aging, most of which are relatively harmless? Is this a positive or negative trend?

    Aging results in musculoskeletal system changes. As people age their skeletal systems undergo various changes which affect their activities of daily living and their overall health.  Some bone loss after age 35 is normal in both men and women and causes no problem.  Severe bone depletion is termed osteoporosis. Consider this information when responding to the following question

    Doctors advise people that to reduce their risk of osteoporosis later in life, they should build up their bones as much as possible before they reach maturity. What would you suggest to patients (or friends) to strengthen their bones? Are you doing anything special to reduce your risk to osteoporosis in later life? If so what? If not, why not? What health promotions programs do you think might be effective in maintaining a healthy musculoskeletal system?  Be specific.


299 Words  1 Pages
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