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Baboons with Briefcases vs. Langurs in Lipstick


            According to Susan, different topics have different research approaches that are applied so as to be effective in getting the most appropriate king of information and analysis. Morphological and behavioral research in this case is not described using direct results but rather they are examined through a multiple dependent pathways. This is incorporated with biological mechanisms development and the assessment of the complex ways in which the extra organism factors interact with other organisms at each and every stage of their lives (Sperling 205). In doing this, with the emphasis on the possibility in the growth of biological as well as the behavioral coordination an understanding as well as an analysis and a conclusion that results to a belief on the gender based behaviors are genetically formulated.

            The author expresses the fact that the readers may not be in a position to understand  some of the social, biological as well as ecological foundations of the nonhuman primate violent behavior.  She thus tells the unfolding of the story of the primates so as to enlighten the reader on the structural functionalists and the sociobiological replica (Sperling 206). This is element is quite essential and it makes the research successful and it allows the reader to familiarize and get a background on the topic. The setting of this study is rich and diverse as the writing of the author is quite engaging thus making it interesting for the reader to read more and understand about the primates. It thus develops an insight of social constructions that illustrates how gender and control are interconnected in the past and entangled.   





Sperling, Susan. "Baboons with Briefcases vs. Langurs in Lipstick." Gender at the Crossroads of Knowledge DI LEOARDO, M., ed., Berkeley: Uniersity of California (1991): 204-234.

294 Words  1 Pages
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