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Primate Conservation

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

each student will choose a topic concerning a conservation issue, and complete a 10-page paper on this subject due the last day of class in May. Possible subjects could include: 1) the conservation knowledge of a species (such as the aye-aye) followed by a proposed management plan; 2) current conservation topic, such as bushmeat, followed by some solutions to this problem; 3) more general topic such as ecotourism, ICDPs, the IUCN, the threats of palm oil plantations, captive conservation, biomedical research. Each topic should be related to Primate Conservation and each should discuss solutions and management plans for a conservation problem if the topic is one. All papers must have at least 10 complete academic references with 3-5 additional website addresses. References should be formatted in Journal of Conservation Biology style or International Journal of Primatology style. Additional materials such as maps, photos, figures are appreciated.

157 Words  1 Pages
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