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The goal of this task is to investigate a social issue or problem such as deviance, poverty, pollution, etc. Students will write a paper on controversial social issues based on a topic of their choice. Students can choose their topics from media such as t

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Taking Sides Research Assignments.

The goal of this task is to investigate a social issue or problem such as deviance, poverty, pollution, etc. Students will write a paper on controversial social issues based on a topic of their choice. Students can choose their topics from media such as the New York Times. Students may include their life experiences, as they relate to their studies. Students will write at least two pages summary (double-spaced) of the research topic and a separate page of references.

1. Develop your research questions:
a. What is the problem?
b. Where can I find information to help me solve the problem?
c. Why is solving this problem important?
2. Provide the reasons for your choice of topic and research questions.
3. Provide a list of information sources and works cited in the references.

148 Words  1 Pages
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