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Ultimately, this chapter illustrates that both individual choices and circumstances and macro-level factors are structured so that a person’s race, class and gender are systematically related to their quality of life and life expectancy

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

On page 410, author states, “Ultimately, this chapter illustrates that both individual choices and circumstances and macro-level factors are structured so that a person’s race, class and gender are systematically related to their quality of life and life expectancy.”  So, how does the chapter illustrate what she claims?**___________________________________________________________________________

**Understand the question:  As you well know, micro- and macro-level forces shape health for better or for worse.  But, exactly how these forces will shape a person’s health for better or worse depends on race, class AND gender.  So, you are asked to explain how, according to the author, the effects of both the individual-level and the wider societal level are determined by race, class and gender.  You have already discussed your personal experience in one or both of the reading questions, so avoid giving it again.  Finally, you may include any insight from my notes, if you find them useful.

162 Words  1 Pages
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