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A literature map is a visual tool for organizing a literature review into relevant themes/topics and demonstrating how your study will contribute to existing knowledge. Literature maps may be designed in different ways.

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Paper Instructions:

A literature map is a visual tool for organizing a literature review into relevant themes/topics and demonstrating how your study will contribute to existing knowledge. Literature maps may be designed in different ways.

1.  Hierarchical Structure - uses a top-down presentation of the literature, ending with your proposed study
2. Flowchart model - literature unfolds from left to right, with the farthest right section advancing a proposed study
3. Venn Diagram - with each circle representing a body of literature and the intersection of circles indicating future research.

Choose one the following designs and create a literature map of your research topic. You may create and upload a digital or handwritten literature map.

124 Words  1 Pages
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