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Black Lives Matter

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Paper Instructions:

For the paper, all you have to do is simply write about a black lives matter text in the form of a research essay or else a critical literary review. In regards to choosing or understanding if the text supporting the theme Black Lives Matters, all you would have to do is simply see if the text supports the idea of Black lives Matters. Not the organization, but the theme itself. From there, you can make a thesis statement based on a detail you find to align with your opinion. For example: Lift every voice and sing demands a take your knee off my neck moment with the vivid use of imagery and literary devices to promote the idea that we are rising. *I'm not using this as a thesis. After this, you would explain how the work does this with sources that could be other people's critical review of the literature or genre research on topics building up the one that you have found USING ACADEMIC JOURNALS.  Then from there, you would write using a non-first person voice. FOr more details, you can look here->

As far as the presentation, you are literary making a PowerPoint as it is explained in the content or link below. I haven't started on mine yet.


235 Words  1 Pages
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