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Political Sex: Women and gender studies

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Connect the issues explored Modules #1 & #2 with the theoretical frames in Gayle Rubin’s essay “Thinking Sex.”


write a 1000 word, single spaced, 12 point font, 1" margins essay responding to the above prompt
use specific references to and from the course materials to support your analysis
do not use personal opinion
use readings and films (but not the lectures themselves) from each of the lectures in the two modules
Standard english grammar, sentence structure, structure, and organization
no cover page, name only in upper right hand corner
submit as a WORD document only--no pdf's, Pages, Google docs, or other format

Remember please, that phrases like, "I believe" or "In my opinion" or "I really like" are phrases that point to personal opinions rather than analysis, and are not options for this essay. Focus instead on what ideas from all of the course readings and films for the first two modules are compelling? What supports your analysis as you respond to the prompt?

177 Words  1 Pages
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