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Many people are unfamiliar with the idea that material objects are related to culture. When someone typically will answer the question what is culture, they discuss nonmaterial culture such as values, beliefs, and norms.

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Many people are unfamiliar with the idea that material objects are related to culture. When someone typically will answer the question what is culture, they discuss nonmaterial culture such as values, beliefs, and norms. One aspect to material culture is the more entrenched an object is in the culture the more invisible it becomes. One example I use in class is from the Little Mermaid. There is a scene where Ariel uses a fork to comb her hair. This is an example of an object that is so much a part of our culture it seems so silly that someone wouldn't know what to do with it. For this discussion, come up with an example of something that is part of your material culture and discuss how it may be viewed by someone from another culture.

147 Words  1 Pages
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