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What does your theoretical perspective suggest about how society operates? Elaborate on the key theoretical components of the thinkers as it relates to your paper.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Drawing from course materials, outside research, and your own experience and interests, you will write a 5-7 pages, double spaced analytical paper. Evaluations will be based on your ability to elaborate on theoretical concepts and mechanisms, compare different theories and discuss their applications to real world situations or works of fiction. Students must use one of the following author-date style citation formats: ASA, APA, Chicago.

Regardless of the selected paper theme, all papers will address the following three questions:

I)  What does your theoretical perspective suggest about how society operates? Elaborate on the key theoretical components of the thinkers as it relates to your paper.


(a) Pick a contemporary issue (such as a political or social issue like healthcare reform, criminal justice reform, childcare policies, environmental regulation, etc.) and explain how you can use the readings to think about that issue, explain how theory applies to it;

(b) explain how readings have helped you think about your own identity and/or interactions with others;

(c) Pick an artwork/collection of works from music, film, poetry, painting, etc., and discuss how the theory you selected can help you think about it;

III) Finally, discuss some possible weaknesses of your theoretical lens and how other perspectives covered in the class might complement the analysis, before concluding your paper.


Paper Outline (due one week before turning in your essay)

For this outline, you will need to include the following information:

5-7 sentences about what your theoretical perspective says about society or how it operates.
A few sentences describing the specific issue or art piece you are going to focus in your paper.
Identify and write a few sentences about at least three sources from class that you believe to be useful for your paper topic.
A few sentences about how these sources might help you explore your topic.
(Optional) If you are going to use outside sources, list them here. You do not need to include any other information.
You can format your paper outline in whatever manner works for you, including using a bulleted list and your responses beneath those bullets, a cohesive narrative or paper draft, etc. This will be your opportunity to get feedback, so choose what you will most benefit from.

384 Words  1 Pages
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