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20 Ways That You Can Fight Human Trafficking

20 Ways That You Can Fight Human Trafficking

The video clearly shows that human trafficking involves trading humans with the common purpose of involuntary labor, sexual slavery to the extent of commercial sexual abuse (Reilly, 2015). This goes on with an encompass that provides the individuals with a spouse into forced marriage or even the extraction of organs and tissues. Their rights are violated and they are subjected to suffering due to the commercial exploitation. Enslaving people making them provide services against their own will is an inhuman act. Men, women and children do suffer as a result of trafficking. This is hazardous as it causes physical, mental, spiritual, moral and even social development disorders to the individuals (Reilly, 2015).

With the increasing rates of human trafficking, there have been various being implemented in order to reduce and even stop human trafficking. This includes learning how to raise flags that may indicate any possibility of human trafficking. Establishing resources centers that will help and rescue any individual who have been trafficked and any information regarding human trafficking can be channeled there (Farrell, 2011). Advocating for people to be conscientious consumers so that they can discover any human slavery footprint. By way of incorporating human trafficking information through conferences, manuals and training is a relevant step of stopping human trafficking (Farrell, 2011).

Starting or joining anti-trafficking coalitions will reduce human trafficking. Other methods include the assistant of the federal and local government to implement various to combat human trafficking. Ensuring that the public is aware of what human trafficking is and advise them to be vigilant. It will also do a long way to reach out to the victims who have been subjected to human trafficking in order to educate others (Farrell, 2011).


Farrell, C. (2011). Human trafficking. Edina, Minn: ABDO Pub.

Reilly .c (2015) Human Trafficking: A Crime Hard to Track Proves Harder To Fight; retrieved     from          so-hard-to-combat/

322 Words  1 Pages
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