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How have fatherhood changed over time

"How have fatherhood changed over time"

Fatherhood has changed over time due to many such as technology and the evolving social traditions. There are themes that are associated with fatherhood. They include the demographic changes. In the older generation family had many children compared to the current generation. The change in their lives and the pattern they were used to had also changed. The financial strain that is experienced has led to families having fewer children (Nease & Wiley, 2010).

            The takeaway point in fatherhood is the responsibility of raising a family. A lot is involved not only financially but also time. This is so crucial because fathers have to strike a balance in their working schedule in order to make time for their children and be there when they are growing up. The commitment that comes with raising the children and their health also worry young fathers. There also worrying cases whereby the children might be born with disabilities is a huge turning point to many fathers (Nease & Wiley, 2010).

There are limitations that are evident in the study. When addressing the issue of challenges the fathers face, most of them addressed the issue of finance. In reality, there are many challenges that fathers face other than finance issue. Challenges such as the influence that the fathers have towards their children and how they impact their children was not well tackled. This is because most of them spoke positively thus not giving a clear view of fatherhood (Nease & Wiley, 2010). To do it differently would mean that other family members should be included in the interview to shed more light of how fathers go about when raising their children. At the end of the interview, I was about to come up with a new question of how are individuals prepared to enter into fatherhood? This is because some of them expressed some fears that a father should not have regarding a child disability and how they should be educated to accept the form in which a child is born.


















Nease, L., Austin, M. W., & Wiley InterScience (Online service). (2010). Fatherhood -    philosophy for everyone: The Dao of daddy. Malden, Mass: Wiley-Blackwell

366 Words  1 Pages
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