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Culture and Business Conduct In Saudi Arabia


            Culture and Business Conduct In Saudi Arabia

            Question 1

            The modern culture of Saudi Arabia was shaped by the Islamic group and Bedouin traditions in the nation.  The modern culture in Saudi has its grounds based on nomadic tribes which once wandered the peninsula, Arabian.   Several elements of the modern culture of Arabia can be traced from conducting business in open office which is directly linked to Bedouins religion has also been a major influence based on Islamic stores as well as other businesses have to be closed at least five times a day for prayers as illustrated by Koran which requires the women to maintain the strict code of dressing,.  Saudi Arabia is dissimilar to the western culture because in Saudi Arabia norms and values are footed on religion and traditions. In the western nations protestant ethic work holds a stronger influence o the culture of United States (Rumelt, 110).

            Question 2

            In order for the business conduction between a Saudi Arabian enterprise and an American corporation cultural sensitivity has to be considered.  This is because unlike the western culture which conducts business based on outcomes and time Saudi Arabia culture conducts business based on religion, family as well as friends opinion.  To the western nation success is more significant and gender does not matter and women are largely involved in the business (Goldstein, 315). On the other hand, Saudi Arabia culture gives women little opportunities and freedom in bossiness activities.  Misunderstanding may arise on communication, gender differences as well as the modes of conducting business.

            Question 3

            I would advise the corporation to priorities on taking adequate time to understand the Saudi Arabian culture as well as the mode f doing business in Saudi.  Since in Saudi women are not preferred in conducting business the western company should utilize a man in the situation of discussing the business proposal.  The company is also required to be very patient because the Saudi Arabia culture prioritizes time than success.  The value of time that is most desired in Western Corporation is not considered in Saudi Arabia.






            Work Cited

Goldstein, Natalie. Religion and the State. New York: Facts On File, 2010. Internet resource.

            Rumelt, Richard. Good Strategy, Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters. London: Profile, 2011. Internet resource.

380 Words  1 Pages
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