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Theory and Methods of Personality

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Paper instructions:

Theory and Methods of Personality
Case Report Paper Assignment
Due no later than midnight on April 13
To complete this assignment, you will write a brief case study of a hypothetical person in which you will interpret the individual’s behavior, thoughts, and feelings from the perspective of at least two major approaches to studying personality (e.g., behavioral, trait, psychoanalytic, etc.). As the subject of your case report, you may choose from one of three case vignettes provided on the course Blackboard website. Case reports are expected to be 2-3 pages in length (double-spaced) and should include the following key elements:
Clearly indicate which case vignette you choose for your paper and introduce the “subject” of your case report;
Include brief descriptions of the two major perspectives being discussed and the theoretical underpinnings of the approaches you are using. For example, if you choose to discuss the case using a behavioral perspective, describe the behavioral theory you are applying to the case (i.e., Pavlov’s classical conditioning theory, Skinner’s operant conditioning theory, Dollard and Miller’s social learning theory) and note the basic tenants of the theory;
Provide at least four specific examples of thoughts, feelings, or behaviors described in the case vignette that you think illustrate the theoretical perspectives you choose to describe the individual’s personality and explain how you think these thoughts, feelings, or behaviors emerged given the theoretical approaches you choose. You should use at least two examples from the vignette to illustrate each perspective discussed.
Any references included in your paper should be cited in APA format (6th edition). You are allowed to use the text as a reference.
Papers should also be free from spelling and grammatical errors, and written in 12-pt Times New Roman or 11-point Ariel font (1-inch page margins). Sentences should generally be complete, clear, and concise, and maintain flow of thought throughout the report.

322 Words  1 Pages
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