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Common abused drugs include alcohol, cigarettes and marijuana

Weekly questions 3

  1. Common abused drugs include alcohol, cigarettes and marijuana and if abused at places of work or the government offices impact negatively on productivity. The drug abusers are not able to relate well with others in the places of work and this negatively affect productivity in the work place.
  2. The terrorist groups impact negatively on the economy since they interfere with the normal running of businesses. Most countries invest much in fighting terrorist groups instead of focusing on ways of improving their economy and this ensures that the economy lags behind (Davies & Hertig, 2008). This is a negative impact since most countries spend most finances in ensuring terrorist groups are tracked.
  3. I would recommend a business plan which would ensure that all is planned for before the start of a business. Precautions such as insurance against riots should be put in place so that insurance companies can pay for the damages done during the riots or demonstrations which have affected the business. Insurance against riots is the best option since the businesses will not incur losses.
  4. Government and private properties are some of the local resources that demonstrators put into considerations. Most peaceful demonstrations often turn out to be riots thus police officers get ready to protect both government and private property that can get destroyed during that process.
  5. First responders are usually the first people to arrive at the crime scene usually police officers, fire extinguishers and medical personnel and have been trained to perform first aid to the victims (Davies & Hertig, 2008). Supervisory standpoint on the other hand ensures that the crime scene is well protected and that all activities are carried out well by the first responders.
  6. “Obtaining samples from a known standard" is described as the process whereby police get verified information from known sources and is known as physical evidence (Davies & Hertig, 2008). The police take physical evidence direct from the source and ensuring the evidence is from original sources. The samples from the known standards cannot be verified without being compared with the unknown standards.


Davies, S. J., & Hertig, C. A. (2008). Security supervision and management: The theory and        practice of asset protection. Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann/Elsevier.

368 Words  1 Pages
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