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Likert Scale Questionnaire

Likert Scale Questionnaire


Please provide answers to all the questions below with incorporation of accuracy and honesty.  Thank you very much in advance for your participation.

Personal Details

Student’s full name: …………………………

Age …………..

Gender …….

Please answer the entire provided question using the criteria of selecting the correct answer to the questions.

  1. What is your general impression of dubbed television series in the modern American society and the Arabian culture today?
  2. Excellent
  3. Good
  4. Average
  5. Poor
  6. Please indicate the effectiveness of dubbed television series?
  7. Excellent
  8. Good
  9. Average
  10. Low
  11. Do dubbed Turkish television series holds any impacts on the Arabian cultural values for the Arabs students in Girne University?
  12. No
  13. Never
  14. Yes
  15. Rarely
  16. Do you believe that dubbed television series holds negative effects on Girne students?
  17. Yes
  18. No
  19. Rarely
  20. Sometimes
  21. What are your general feelings in regard to dubbed Turkish television series?
  22. Strong
  23. Somewhat
  24. Neutral
  25. No feelings
  26. Do you agree that dubbed Turkish series results in diminish of cultural values on the Arabs students in American Girne university.
  27. Strongly agree
  28. Strongly disagree
  29. Somehow agree
  30. No opinion
  31. Do you believe that watching dubbed Turkish television series for the Arabs students in are responsible for the assimilation of Arabian cultural values?
  32. No idea
  33. Strongly approve
  34. Disapprove
  35. Strongly disapprove
  36. Do you disapprove the dubbing of television series?
  37. Yes
  38. No
  39. Not sure
  40. Never
  41. What is your general rating of the effects of dubbed Turkish television series influences on students?
  42. High
  43. Average
  44. Low
  45. No opinion







240 Words  1 Pages
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