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My goals are to open up a rehabilitation Center


My goals are to open up a rehabilitation Center to help Juveniles steer away from crime and rehabilitate to show them a brighter future. I want the scholarship since it will enable me finish my education and thus get adequate Knowledge that will help me establish and maintain the rehabilitation centre. I became interested in coming up with a rehabilitation centre after I saw a two year old girl whose parents are members of a gang that is involved in criminal activities. The two year old, were it not for me would have been recruited in the gang since both parents are members of the criminal gang. The girl is an example of how innocently children are born by parents who are involved in crime and end up becoming criminals. This incident made me feel the urge to come up with a rehabilitation center that will see young ones taken in and get taught on importance of avoiding crimes. I have helped the girl since then since her life would get ruined if she fails to get support from me. This is among many community services I have been involved in. In addition I am a volunteer Girl Scout Leader to a Daisy Troop therefore I have gained enough leadership skills that will ensure my rehabilitation centers succeeds. My goals will finally be achieved since I will educate and give guidance to young ones who lack support parents since they are involved in crimes. Volunteering as a Candy Striper in the hospital at the age of 14 taught me how to relate to people and help others when able. I would urge you to consider my application for this scholarship since it will help me achieve my goals and by doing this I will be giving back to the society.

300 Words  1 Pages
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