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Explore local issues in your community that affect the education of diverse students.

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Explore local issues in your community that affect the education of diverse students. Possible issues may include, but are not limited to, inequities among districts in your area regarding teaching materials, quality of school programs, funding for cultural enrichment activities, etc.

Research an issue described above and analyze possible solutions you would implement in your future classroom.  

Develop a 750-1,000 word plan of action to solve the chosen issue, including the following:

A statement of the problem.
Who is involved:
As part of the problem?
As part of the solution?
What is the proposed solution?
What will be needed to implement the solution (such as money, time, manpower,
materials, etc.)?
What is the projected timeline to implement the solution?
What is the expected outcome?

research a minimum of three to five peer-reviewed articles that can be used in support of your content.

153 Words  1 Pages
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