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Culture refers to all the shared society products both material and immaterial, and includes the totality of behavior that is learnt and passed on to others

Introduction to Sociology

Culture refers to all the shared society products both material and immaterial, and includes the totality of behavior that is learnt and passed on to others. Normally, culture defines values and norms that exist within a given society and it’s rare for any society to exist without an established culture. In the past, culture in society defined the traditions such as religion and rituals that guided human behavior and co-existence with one another. Human beliefs formed part of the past culture guided the actions taken by people, with an aim obtaining basic needs like food and shelter and in withstanding challenges from the environment (Macionis,2017). Taboos and religious believes placed limit on human behavior and actions in relation to how to relate to the others and the environment. The established traditions in any culture could help in enhancing choices while preventing undermining negative life choices.

 Presently, culture defines the identity of a given society, nation and even organizations in regard to human association. It serves as a basic root in a given community and it plays an important role in determining successful human relations and even performance of organizations (Macionis, 2017). In a world where human connection and relations is seen to open up opportunities in the current society, culture is seen as an important driving force.

 Culture offers solutions to various critical problems facing individuals, communities and even organizations. It conditions human to think beyond oneself at a time when people are drawn towards individualism. Like in the past, culture is currently seen as determining human behavior and actions and setting limits for the same depending on the situation and place


Macionis, J.  (2017). Society the basics. Hoboken. NJ:  Pearson Education.4 Ed.


289 Words  1 Pages
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