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Quantitative Analysis

Quantitative Analysis 1- Overview

A Brief Description of Your Quantitative Study

A quantitative research is an investigative approach that asserts on objective measurement and arithmetical data analysis through a survey, questions or controlling pre-existing records through the utilization of calculating approaches. The main purpose of utilizing a quantitative study is to establish the existing association between the independent and the dependent variables (Bachman & Schutt, 2017).

Conceptualization and Measurement of the Dependent Variable

The quantitative research for my study will be a descriptive one where the variables will only be assessed once in the quest of establishing the relationship amid the variables. The study will not utilize a high sample given that it might alter the result and it is not efficient on time or cost. The independent variables are the causes of disparity while the dependent variable is the sentencing status. The dependent variable can best be measured using nominal measures to create a label or relationship among variables (Bachman & Schutt, 2017). The variables will mainly be conceptualized via creating a hypothesis that will guide the research and the analysis process in general. For instance, individuals from ethnic minorities are low socio-economic status are more likely to acquire severe and long sentencing when compared to white-collar criminals.

Quantitative Research Advantages

Quantitative research is advantageous because unlike the qualitative one it is more unbiased and consistent (Khan, 2011). In that, it follows a given pattern as its guide which helps in creating consistency in general. In addition, the technique normally lowers analyzing complexity by narrowing issues through conceptual examination.  This is because the study is less detailed given that it works on acquiring the necessitated responses from a given setting in order to develop better relationships (Khan, 2011). For this approach, it is easier to establish the general the prevailing issue and propose solutions.











Bachman, R., & Schutt, R. K. (2017). The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice (6th Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Khan, J. A. (2011). Research methodology. New Delhi: APH Publishing Corporation. APH Publishing Corportaion.


343 Words  1 Pages
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