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National Organization of Human Services

Short answers about Human Services

  1. According to National Organization of Human Services, (2015), the ethical standard 3, Michael is expected to protect his client’s right to privacy and confidentiality. He has an obligation to take reasonable precautions to protect the identity and information of his client. Michael should ignore carol and her husband. This is because meeting with them might lead to identification of Carol as his patient therefore violating Carol’s privacy and confidentiality.
  2. According to standard 21, Sue should respond appropriately to Laura’s problematic behavior. This will involve talking to her. However, basing on Laura’s situation, Sue should buy her dinner and get her a hotel room for the night. This will allow Laura to cool down and it will offer Sue an opportunity to talk to her on the following day.
  3. According to standard 5, Mary should curtail and avoid having a professional relationship with this client as this may impair her judgment as a professional.
  4. According to standard 33, Ryan should be cautious about disclosing his personal information to Ally. This is because he represents the human service profession.
  5. Heather and Brianna should report their cases to their educators. As guided by standard 41, the educator will carry out a reasonable investigation. They will thus ensure that a good response is given to safeguard the students. As a result a good recommendation will be provided to them.
  6. According to standard 21, Alana should try and talk to Jay. However, if the unethical conduct continues, he should report Jay’s behavior to the administration.
  7. According to standard 9, it is unethical and illegal for Scott to have restricted storage and transmission of information. This does not meet the requirements regarding information release.
References             National Organization of Human Services. 2015. Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals. Portland,Oregon.





298 Words  1 Pages
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