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Conducting a Research


Research proposal


Design and Methodology

       There is usually the need to decide on what one is interested in finding out. Secondly, the researcher is supposed to know how to find ways to come up with answers to the research problem. This step mainly involves the methodology of the research. The researcher is needed to select the models, procedures and words of the research methodology (Ranjit Kkumar, 2011). This will help to come up with the research objectives. The researcher is needed to have knowledge concerning the methodology of the research. There are usually two phases that the researcher is supposed to use;

Phase 1: Making the Decision on What to Research

       This usually involves formulation of the research problem. This is the study topic of the researcher that is going to be worked on in the field.

Phase 11:  Planning of the Research Study

       This is where the researcher conceptualizes the research design. It involves use of controlled and valid description and exploration of the unknown. There is also and establishing the associations that lead to outcomes (Ranjit, 2011). There is usually identification done by the researcher concerning the existing knowledge and the limitations and errors that had been previously done. It is usually very important for the researcher to ensure that they select the right research design. This would assist the researcher to get comparisons, findings and conclusions. The methodology enables one to come up with the research design. A nice methodology is the one that enables to design the research in order to avoid errors. The moment the methodology is not perfect automatically the research design will have mistakes. It is therefore important for the researcher to come up with the correct methodology as it significantly determines the research design. The method is usually subdivided by with the data used by the researcher. There are different methods that are essential in collection, encoding and analyzing of the qualitative and quantitative data.

There are other steps in phase two which include;

Construction of Data Collection Instruments

            Identifying the data instruments is usually the very first step in research study. One is required to decide on how to the data would be collected and construct the instrument of the research of the proposed study (Ranjit 2011). The researcher is supposed to construct the instruments or use the constructed ones. If the researcher is using secondary data, there is usually the need to know the needed information and come up with means of extracting the data required. Pre-test is very important at this step. It should always be applied to a similar group ton that being used in the study.

Sample Selection

                        A sample is a group of people that has been selected to act as representative of population. During sample section, the researcher is supposed to avoid any bias and ensure maximum precision achievement for certain resources (Ranjit, 2011). In many of the qualitative studies there is usually the use of non-probability methods of sampling which includes; snowball in case the number being used is small, purposeful is mostly used where there is specific group that has been selected to be used in the study, case study whereby it is conducted for a small group or one person and quota sampling method the researcher chooses the quota in advance and then uses it in the preferred study. There is then the use of probability methods which include simple random sampling whereby the researcher selects the people randomly from the large population, stratified random is another method whereby a number of participants are selected from a large group and then there is use of numbers to select the final participants from the group. The other method is cluster sampling whereby there is a very big population where the research is being carried out. Finally, there is systematic method whereby every person is selected as a participant systematically from the list.


            For the establishment of validity, the researcher needs to ensure that correct measurement procedure is being applied accurately. Validity is usually important while doing measurements of hypothetical constructs (Gravetter & Forzano, 2012). There are several validity types that have been developed in the research work. To begin with, there is face validity which involves the appearance of the procedure of measurement, concurrent, consistency o0f relationship, construct, convergent and divergent. Reliability is referred ton a situation where the measurement procedure brings out similar results when use with the same people for equal purpose. The reliability concept is usually based on the researcher assuming that the items being measured are stable.

     There is usually internal and external validity. These are usually the features of the research project. In external validity the researcher is supposed to generalize their results from other samples (Polgar & Thomas, 2011).  There tests that are being trailed with validity and reliability are called standardized measures. However, most of the researchers in the field of research d not mention about reliability in their findings.  These two concepts are widely used in research




Ranjit Kkumar, (2011) Reaserch methodology; a step-by-step guide for beginners, London;         SAGE publications Ltd.

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Gravetter, F. J., & Forzano, L.-A. B. (2012). Research methods for the behavioral sciences.         Australia: Wadsworth.


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Polgar, S., & Thomas, S. A. (2011). Introduction to Research in the Health Sciences E-Book.

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892 Words  3 Pages
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