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Choose an ongoing United Nation Peacekeeping Operation

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Choose an ongoing United Nation Peacekeeping Operation and in a 2-3 page paper (with sentencing double spaced) describe the following:

1. the location of the operation,
2. the factors that contributed to the creation of this peacekeeping operation,
3. the mission statement for this specific operation,
4. the participants in the peacekeeping operation and their specific roles,
5 the characteristics of this PKO
6. the planning considerations for this peace operations across the basic functions of peace operations.
7. the difficulties this PKO has experienced in achieving its mission
8 the success this PKO has experienced in achieving its mission
9. your thoughts about the future of this operation

Save all of your work (including responses to other students) in a single Word file, upload into the assignment folder, and submit for grading. Be sure to cite your sources appropriately!

151 Words  1 Pages
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