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James Pattison discussed the importance of humanitarian intervention in situations where mass attrocities, genocide, and/or crimes against humanity are being committed.

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Paper Instructions:

James Pattison discussed the importance of humanitarian intervention in situations where mass attrocities, genocide, and/or crimes against humanity are being committed.  Please write an essay, following the established guildlines, which answers ALL of the following questions:

a)Please name and describe the three types of positive incentives that Pattison discussed in his talk.  

b) Of the three positive incentives, which do you think would be the most effective in addressing mass attrocities?  Why?

c) Briefly cite and describe ONE example--within the past 15 years--when one of the positive incentives (listed by Pattison) affectively emeliorated a situation involving mass attrocities/genocide/crimes against humanity?

109 Words  1 Pages
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