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Prior to leaving office, in an unprecedented move, President Obama - in light of recent mass public shootings - called on congress, anti-gun and second amendment advocacy groups alike to bring forth reasonable and practical reforms to curb gun-related vio

Questions We Can Help to Answer

Prior to leaving office, in an unprecedented move, President Obama - in light of recent mass public shootings - called on congress, anti-gun and second amendment advocacy groups alike to bring forth reasonable and practical reforms to curb gun-related violence.  If you represented one of these groups, what would your recommendation be to the President?  Responses are typically four to 8 paragraphs in length (tho I do not count off for length). Now remember, you are addressing the President.  So keep it civil and professional. As with all other written assignments in this course, all sources must be cited using the approved styles (ASA, APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard). age length, only for content).

121 Words  1 Pages
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