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Ethnic minority therapists tend to have better multicultural counseling relationships than clients with white therapists.

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Ethnic minority therapists tend to have better multicultural counseling relationships than clients with white therapists. Most times they are perceived to be more culturally sensitive due to being more involved in communities of color thus having more awareness and using more of a cultural framework (treatment orientation) in their clinical practices. This explains a little why minorities prefer a minority as a therapist, clinician or etc. My topic would be why does an ethnic therapist’s treatment orientation have better results when dealing with multicultural clients in counseling? 

Prepare a 10 page comprehensive research paper integrating a discussion of how you see your research findings as significant to the field of psychology relating to the topic above. Also, illustrate an understanding by giving examples from clinical practice that supports your research. 

A minimum of 10 scholarly journal articles dated within the last 2 years are to be used related to cultural counseling and diverse populations. 
PLEASE use an adequate amount of in-text citation throughout the paper when using all articles. 
Please use online databases or hard copies for journal articles. You will know it’s a good article if you can easily cite the article based on APA format (I.E author, year, & etc.)
NO random articles found online they will not be considered scholarly journal articles.
Also please remember this is APA format so all references and in-text citation should be referenced properly. 

241 Words  1 Pages
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