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Briefly describe the American Eugenics Movement

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer

Assignment instructions:
This is a 3-part reaction paper assignment.  Each research segment has its own separate requirements. 
Series I
Briefly describe the American Eugenics Movement. (1 pt)
Briefly summarize Hoffman’s extinction thesis. (1 pt)
Discuss why biological scientists now feel that our current racial categories/classifications are inherently flawed.  Provide at least one example of supporting evidence used in the film. (1 pt)

Series II
Summarize the significant roles of both Thomas Jefferson and Louis Agassiz in the creating of scientific race. (2 pts)
What did you find to be the most interesting and/or surprising detail from this episode, and why? (1 pt)
What term or concept from chapter 8 do you see as most relevant to this episode, and why? (1 pt)

Series III
What arguments were brought before the courts both the Ozawa and Thind cases? What was the court’s ruling? (2 pts)
Discussing the Natl. appraisal system and redlining. (1 pt)

162 Words  1 Pages
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