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What purpose does culture serve for human beings? Discuss how culture served humans in the past and how it continues to serve them in present societies.

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

Answer the following question:

What purpose does culture serve for human beings?  Discuss how culture served humans in the past and how it continues to serve them in present societies. 

When you use information from Macionis to support your answer, paraphrase it (put it in your own words).  At the end of the information cite Macionis as follows (Macionis, 2017). 

You should write at least three paragraphs of 3 to 5 sentences to answer this question.  This is what I expect for an average (grade of "C") answer.  If you desire to earn a grade of Above Average or Excellent, then you will want to go into more depth when answering these chapter essay questions. 

Remember, you want to write in third person only.  Type your entire essay answer in Times New Roman 12 point font type, double spaced.  Type your work in a WORD document that you will upload here.  At the end of your essay assignment, type a heading


List Macionis in complete APA reference format:

Macionis, J.  (2017).  Society the basics (14th ed.).  Hoboken, NJ:  Pearson Education. 

192 Words  1 Pages
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