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The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate how the role of environment can affect child development and learning early in life.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate how the role of environment can affect child development and learning early in life.  Read the attached scholarly article and the associated press release (see link below) on this research study, coming out of Stanford.  Then complete the reaction paper.
Papers should be approximately 2-3 pages in length and should express reactions to the assigned readings from that week.  Papers can include any or all of the following:  Do I agree or disagree with content?  Do the readings contradict my previous knowledge or experience?  Do I have further questions?  What did the chapter exclude, ignore, or not address?  How does this content relate to my previous classroom, fieldwork, or personal experience?  How is this information helpful?  The reaction papers are due to the appropriate Blackboard drop box by the assigned day and time.  This is an informal writing assignment:  opinions and reflections are encouraged.

164 Words  1 Pages
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