Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering;
The child you will be talking about is a 6 year old boy who is hearing impaired. He is currently in first grade. He receives special education services froom the government. He has a shadow who is with him through out the day in school. He has hearing aids to help him hear, his speech has not been affected due to his hearing loss. He is very social and very bright. His academic levels are pretty advanced due to his disability. He mastered reading and math and his writing skills still need improvement.
Based on the guidelines below, please answer the following requirements. Please note that this was a 10 hour observation that took place in a classroom setting. describe in detail about your observation. use the rubric as a guide, don’t fail to skip any steps. Quote your sources and use credible articles if needed.
Your case study should be 8 pages long and should cover everything asked in the rubric. Don’t be repetitive and make sure that the content of your observation is well written.
Developmental Observation: Part II
210 Points
There are three sections to this assignment:
• For this section of the assignment you will use your observation to finds themes that are salient in this child’s development. As you look through observations, please record in detail the processes that might be taking place relating to each of the domains of development studied in class. Using the textbook chapters will help you guide your analysis, but you can choose to use other texts read for class (150 points).
You will put on a scientific hat and act as a researcher “looking for evidence”, as different segments of your observation will give support to previously identified hypothesis in child development.
There are five parts to this section:
Please organize the evidence found in your observations in the following way:
• Cognitive development
Piaget stages (chapter 7)
Multiple intelligences (chapter 8)
• Emotional development
Temperament (chapter 10)
Attachment (chapter 10)
Common emotions in childhood, and emotional problems (chapter 10)
• Communication and language development (chapter 9)
• Social Development
Parenting styles (chapter 14)
Relationships with peers (chapter 12)
• Integrative section: how all the domains are integrated in your observation? (cognitive, emotional, etc.) Does one domain affect the others? Is this child stronger in one domain?
• Choose a task described in the textbook or discussed in class. Explain why you chose this task and what did you learn about this child after performing the task. You might use the task to answer question 1. In that case please indicate that in the previous section (30 points).
• Research to practice: find an academic article that relates to your observation. The article should address something specific you have witnessed on your observation, or a question or curiosity that might have been raised after observing this child. Why did you choose this article? How does this article address your question? Please remember to attach the article to your paper (30 points).
Does not Meet 10
The candidates gives a limited or general descriptions of cognitive development
The candidate gives a specific example that elucidates the cognitive stage of the child
The candidate discusses multiple intelligences and gives an example of the child’s strengths based on this theory
The candidate gives at least two examples that elucidate the cognitive stage of the child.
The candidate discusses multiple intelligences and gives two examples of the child’s strengths based on this theory
The candidates gives a limited or general descriptions of language development
The candidate gives a detailed description of the child’s temperament style, the child’s attachment style, and emotions typically experienced in childhood.
The candidate describes emotional problems if they are present.
The candidate gives an example from the observation that support the candidate’s assertions about temperament, attachment, emotions, and emotional problems
(In total 3-4 examples)
The candidate gives a detailed description of the child’s temperament style, the child’s attachment style, and emotions typically experienced in childhood.
The candidate describes emotional problems if they are present.
The candidate gives at least two examples from the observation that support the candidate’s assertions about temperament, attachment, emotions, and emotional problems
(In total 6-8 examples)
Communication and Language
The candidates gives a limited or general descriptions of language development
The candidates gives a detailed description of the child’s language development including 2-3 quotes of conversations observed that support the candidate’s assertions
The candidates gives a detailed description of the child’s language development including 4-5 quotes if conversations observed that support the candidate’s assertions
The candidate gives a limited description of the child social development
The candidate describes the child’s social development, including detailed description of the child’s relationships with friends and parents and gives at least one example to support conclusions about parenting styles and the child’s relationships with friends
The candidate describes the child’s social development, including detailed description of the child’s relationships with friends and parents and gives at least two examples to support conclusion about parenting styles and about the child’s relationships with friends
The candidate pays little attention to integration among developmental domains in the observation
The candidate gives one example of how one domain of development affects another
The candidate gives at least two examples of how different domains in development affect each other.
The candidate describes the domains in which strengths and weaknesses are observed
The task chosen is not age appropriate or does not add information about this child’s development
The task chosen is age appropriate and is informative of this child’s development
The task chosen is age appropriate and is informative of this child’s development. The task was chosen to answer a specific question that came up during the observation
There is no clear relationship between the article chosen and the observation.
The article chosen is related to the observation
The article chosen clearly answers a question that stems from the observation. The candidate gives a thorough explanation of why the article was chosen.
Total points: 210. Passing grade 140/210