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How LGBTQ populations are being impacted by sexual violence in a specific country

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer

This should be 3 FULL pages, double spaced, font 12, Times New Roman. 

Please do not rewrite any of the questions in your answers. You should number your answers so I can be clear when you are moving onto the next question, but do not rewrite the question.

How LGBTQ populations are being impacted by sexual violence in a specific country

1.    You will then research and describe the problem (3 points):
§    You want to answer questions about prevalence, frequency, and duration (e.g. How often does the problem occur? How long has this been going on? Has the problem worsened over time? etc ). 
§    Make sure to include statistics here (WITH CITATIONS), and you may want to provide anectodal examples if applicable
2.    What is currently being done to change this problem? List and describe and least three things (consider laws, non-profit organizations, etc) (3 points)
3.    What else should happen to decrease this problem? (1 point)

Please use at least 3 different citations within your paper and provide full references/works cited at the end of your paper.

191 Words  1 Pages
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